The Bora Early Warning System
The project in Senj, Croatia presented us with few challenges – one of them was the weather phenomena Bora.
The region around Senj is a strong wind area that is characterised by sudden and extreme winds. In order to avoid overstraining of the wind turbines and minimise technical downtimes, the specific Bora early warning system was developed. It is supposed to ensure that the wind turbines are being switched off in case of extreme wind conditions, which are outside the product specifications of a V90 – 3.0 MW, whilst still achieving an optimum exploitation of the wind potential at the site.
The early warning system was installed on the top of the nearby mountain Alino Bilo, in around 2 km distance from the wind farm. Using wind measuring equipment, it takes the wind speed and acceleration at 30m heights. The values are being sent to the remote monitoring system of the wind farm.